Polish your profile

polish your profileLook at your profile on LinkedIn or Facebook. Is it really up–to–date? Does it reflect what other people would say about you? Is it written in the third person?

While you may run a business where you feel the business is more than just you. However, as a business leader you will be under constant scrutiny and it’s important your profile stands up to this.

Think of your public profile on LinkedIn or other networks as  an advertisement for you as a business owner. It’s not your resume. Instead think of it as an ad from which people should hire you, contract you or do business with you.

It’s that simple.

Don’t forget many will look at these profiles before they even contact you for a quote, proposal, or a preliminary chat. If your profile doesn’t measure up, the opportunity will pass you by.

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About Mike Boorn Plener

Mike Boorn Plener
Mike Boorn Plener is a Business Growth Specialist and Founder of Business Connector. Mike has the ability to swiftly analyse a problem and be the catalyst to generate practical solutions. Click to view Mike Boorn Plener's full profile

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