Keep on learning

keep on learningOK, I admit to being a bit of a seminar junkie. My philosophy is that if I walk away from a seminar with just one great new insight, I’m ahead.

Don’t overlook the networking potential when you attend events. You can meet people just like you—those who are building a business, seeking to get better. These are the people you want to hang out with long term!

I know many people have said it before me, but you have to keep learning to keep growing. If you don’t grow personally, how can you grow your business? Trouble is, how do you choose? If you’re starting out, experiment with different areas likes trading, real estate, business building.

When it comes time to invest serious time and money, go with what feels natural. Don’t fall for the promises of the seminar presenter. You can’t be somebody you’re not just because you did a seminar!

When you’re well into building your business, keep improving your core skills like marketing, finance and staffing. Play on your strengths. Recognise and focus on your core skills and what you love doing. Simultaneously develop other areas to enable you to better deliver that core talent to your prospects  and customers.

As you grow your business it’s essential that you understand enough about each of the operational areas for you to effectively delegate and manage your business to success.

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About Mike Boorn Plener

Mike Boorn Plener
Mike Boorn Plener is a Business Growth Specialist and Founder of Business Connector. Mike has the ability to swiftly analyse a problem and be the catalyst to generate practical solutions. Click to view Mike Boorn Plener's full profile

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