Can you pitch in 15 seconds?

can you pitchThe old elevator pitch is not what it used to be. The lifts move a lot faster these days, so you need to be far more succinct. And your pitch needs to be memorable.

This is an area that is worth working on and perfecting, because in those first 15 seconds people form that famous ’first impression’ of you. First impressions stick for a long time, so make sure you leave people with a memory of you that you like. A memory you have crafted carefully.

Make your pitch about them instead of about you. Try “Do you know how [describe problem]? Well I/we do … [describe perfect solution]”

Make your pitch more memorable by anchoring it in the other person’s reality, like “I see you wear an expensive Swiss watch … Well, we deliver / produce / service …”

Whatever you do in your pitch don’t boast because it should be all about THEM!

Once you have developed you elevator pitch, create your coffee pitch (2 minutes) and your lunch pitch (5 minutes)

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About Mike Boorn Plener

Mike Boorn Plener
Mike Boorn Plener is a Business Growth Specialist and Founder of Business Connector. Mike has the ability to swiftly analyse a problem and be the catalyst to generate practical solutions. Click to view Mike Boorn Plener's full profile

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