Top Tips For How To Discuss Fees With Prospects

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend. Here are not just 1 tip, but 3 to help you charge what you want:

This tip works real well for B2B: Charge for the initial consultation. Too many people selling to businesses spend hours (or days) on analysis, meetings, proposals. Turn it around, make your client analysis a service/product and charge at least $100 for it (preferably much more). Your prospect is now a customer and you have a much greater chance of closing first go. I suggested this in a mentoring session recently and my client did it the next day and sold 2 ‘consultations’ the same week!

How much do you charge? You want the prospect asking that. To get them there you discuss the benefits. The outcomes. The results. How good they’ll look. Anything that will make your prospect see the genius in your offering. You then tell them how many hours is needed in EACH specific area of work you need to do, and why, if the whole lot is not done, they will not get their outcome. Then you tell them the rate. Then you throw in free hours that your competition won’t. And you have a deal.

A really strong one to make sure you maintain your rate is to throw in freebies. Add a free report, or your free ebook. Even a free side service. As one lady in San Diego put it to me on the weekend: “I do 2 for 1”. In my head I went “what…?” She said: “When you buy 1 hour, you get 2. And if need be I may throw even more time in to get your job done.” At that time there is so much goodwill built up that the rate hardly matters. Let’s just say she got the deal, I did not question her rate.

The other day I was featured on nancy Fox’ The Business Fox with just one of these. If you want even more check here:

About Mike Boorn Plener

Mike Boorn Plener
Mike Boorn Plener is a Business Growth Specialist and Founder of Business Connector. Mike has the ability to swiftly analyse a problem and be the catalyst to generate practical solutions. Click to view Mike Boorn Plener's full profile

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